Công Dụng Hửu ích Từ :nth-child(n) Trong CSS

Mastering CSS Nth-Child Selectors

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a fundamental technology for web development that allows us to define how web pages look and feel. While CSS provides a wide range of selectors for styling HTML elements, one of the most versatile and powerful is the CSS :nth-child selector. In this blog post, Codevivu will delve into the world of CSS :nth-child selectors and explore how they can be used to achieve precise and dynamic styling on your web projects.

Mastering CSS Nth-Child Selectors: Unleash the Power of Targeted Styling
Mastering CSS Nth-Child Selectors: Unleash the Power of Targeted Styling

Understanding the :nth-child Selector

The :nth-child selector is part of the CSS3 specification and allows you to target HTML elements based on their position within a parent element. This position is determined by an expression within parentheses. The basic syntax is as follows:

:nth-child(expression) {
    /* CSS styles */

The expression can be a number, a formula, or even keywords like odd or even. It selects elements that match the specified pattern within their parent container.

Applying :nth-child Selectors

Styling Odd and Even Elements

One of the simplest and most common uses of :nth-child is to apply styles to alternating elements within a container. For example, you can style odd and even rows in a table:

/* Style odd rows */
tr:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: #f2f2f2;

/* Style even rows */
tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #ffffff;

This creates a visually pleasing zebra-stripe effect in tables.

Targeting Specific Elements

You can also target specific elements within a container by using numeric expressions. For instance, to style the third list item in an unordered list:

/* Style the third list item */
li:nth-child(3) {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #ff5733;

Applying Patterns

nth-child allows for even more complex patterns. For example, to style every fourth element starting from the second one:

/* Style every fourth element starting from the second */
div:nth-child(4n+2) {
    background-color: #3498db;
    color: #ffffff;

Practical Examples

Creating Buttons with Unique Styles

You can use :nth-child selectors creatively to style buttons in a unique way within a navigation bar. For example:

/* Style the first button */
.nav-button:nth-child(1) {
    background-color: #3498db;
    color: #ffffff;
    border: none;

/* Style the last button */
.nav-button:last-child {
    background-color: #e74c3c;
    color: #ffffff;
    border: none;

/* Style all other buttons */
.nav-button:nth-child(n+2):not(:last-child) {
    background-color: #2ecc71;
    color: #ffffff;
    border: none;

This code sets the first and last buttons with distinct styles and applies a common style to all other buttons in the navigation bar.

Responsive Grids with :nth-child

Using :nth-child in conjunction with media queries can help create responsive grid layouts. For instance, a three-column layout on larger screens and a single-column layout on smaller screens:

/* Three columns on larger screens */
.column {
    width: 30%;
    margin: 1%;

/* Single column on smaller screens */
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    .column {
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0;


The :nth-child selector is a powerful and versatile tool in CSS, allowing you to apply styles to HTML elements based on their position within a container. Whether you want to create alternating row colors, target specific elements, or implement complex patterns, :nth-child can help you achieve precise and dynamic styling on your web projects.

By mastering :nth-child, you’ll have another valuable technique in your CSS toolkit, enabling you to create beautiful and responsive designs with ease. Explore the possibilities, experiment with different patterns, and take your web styling skills to the next level with this powerful CSS selector. Happy coding!

Công Dụng Hữu Ích Từ :nth-child(n) Trong CSS

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